Meier Second Level Domain
By Robin Meier


Hello, I am Robin. Welcome to my website, glad to see you here. I am a friendly and compassionate guy who enjoys being outdoors aswell as being on the computer some times. My home base is in Winterthur, Switzerland. But I also like to spend time at our home away from home in the alps in the canton of Valais. In summer I like to hike and set up my hammock in a scenic area. In winter I like to spend time on the slopes on my snowboard.

Enough about me for now, let me tell you about the domain.

The Domain

Having a second level domain with my last name was a dream of mine. Sadly, Meier is the second most common last name in Switzerland, thus the domain was never available. Also most other second level meier domains were occupied aswell. But after a few years of periodic searches I was very lucky to find the domain.


For me the main benefit of owning the domain is being able to use e-mail addresses. The MX records of the domain are pointing to Fastmail. Another very good e-mail provider I am using for most of my other domains is Migadu.

Contact me via the contact form or via e-mail if you are interested in a e-mail address.


The Republic of Slovenia is a beautiful country in Central Europe with about 2 million residents. Sadly I have no affiliation with Slovenia besides using a domain with its TLD ending .SI. I would like to one day visit Slovenia and its beautiful nature and many lakes.


Being an avid linux user, I strive to customize my setup to my linking. Here I try to give you an overview of my current setup.

  • Lenovo YOGA 6 w/ 16:10 Touchscreen
  • OS Fedora i3 Spin
  • Init7 (AS13030) / Wingo / Sitrox (AS48027)
  • Sometimes a little odd
  • Winterthur, Switzerland
  • I like coding

Here I might go into detail about my server infrastructure. I have some virtual private root servers hosted in Frankfurt, Germany. I host my own server at home, which is a normal computer running docker for all my services. My home setup is not redundant, so a power or internet outage would impact it's availability. My home server is incrementally backed up every night to an offsite location in the same city.



Here is a collection of some stuff. You may find some of it useful or entertaining. More stuff may be added at a later time.

Chicken PDF

This is my favourite testing PDF. It is called chicken.pdf and was composed by Doug Zongker. Please also note the official presentation of the paper by Doug Zongker himself (YouTube).

Download chicken.pdf


The math-quiz that simply everyone is talking about.

Four, Fiftyfour, Four & Six & Two point Four, Root Fourteen & Twelve, Eight minus Four, Hundred and Nine (2) times Seventeen (496), Fourtyseven (33), One (Wangernumb)
Watch Numberwang on YouTube


If you want to give me SSH access to your server, here is my ssh public key. Add it to the end of your ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. The key can also be downloaded here.

# Robin Meier Yubikey
ssh-rsa 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 openpgp:0x9C3FCBE4


You can communicate securely with me by using my public gpg key to send me encrypted messages. These messages have the benefit of noone else being able to read them besides me. My key is also available on Keybase.

If you do not know how to encrypt messages, you can use online tool to encrypt simple text messages:

  • Download my public gpg key
  • Open and select the «Encrypt (+Sign)» Tab
  • Upload my public gpg key into «Reciever's Public Key»
  • Skip «Signer's Private Key» block (Never upload a private key anywhere!)
  • Enter your message in «Your Message in Plain Text»
  • Click «Encrypt the message» button
  • Copy and send me the complete(!) block in «Encrypted PGP Message»
Alternatively you can also use the contact form together with the option to encrypt the message.

Night Pier Lake

My favourite background image depicts a pier infront of a calm lake at night. It is unclear to me where the picture originates from. I am calling it nightpierlake.jpg. Please contact me if you know who this image belongs to and I will gladly add attribution or remove it from the site.

This version is the highest resolution I was able to find of this picture. If you recognize the mountain range, the pier or have any other information about this image, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Download nightpierlake.jpg

Get in touch

Contact me via the following form. I will try to get back to you as soon as possible. This form sends an e-mail in the background. You can optionally choose to encrypt the message with my GPG Key.

As an anti SPAM measure make sure to either include my first name in the message (e.g. start your message with "Dear Robin") or choose to encrypt the message.